In this educational piece, we will delve into the details of jaw surgery, also known as orthognathic surgery, as a means to achieve facial symmetry and a more chiseled jawline. Dr Quan Ngo, an Australian trained Specialist Plastic Surgeon with expertise in this transformative procedure, provides valuable insights to enhance our understanding of this surgical option.

Understanding Jaw Surgery

Jaw surgery, or orthognathic surgery, is a corrective procedure designed to address jaw abnormalities and improve facial harmony. By repositioning the upper jaw (maxilla) and/or the lower jaw (mandible), this surgery aims to enhance both function and aesthetics. Dr Quan Ngo's expertise in this field ensures meticulous planning and execution for achieving optimal outcomes, including a more defined and chiseled jawline.

Evaluation and Consultation

Prior to undergoing jaw surgery, a comprehensive evaluation is crucial. Dr Quan Ngo conducts a thorough assessment of the patient's jaw structure, facial proportions, and oral health. This evaluation helps determine the suitability for the procedure and allows for the development of a personalised treatment plan. During the consultation, open communication between Dr Ngo and the patient ensures a thorough understanding of the patient's goals and expectations. Most facial bone contouring surgical evaluation also requires a bone CT done to specific protocols, followed by a second consultation with computer-aided 3D design and planning.

Surgical Procedure

Jaw surgery involves intricate surgical techniques that require expertise and precision. Dr Quan Ngo performs the surgery under general anesthesia, using carefully placed incisions inside the mouth to access the jawbones. Through skillful repositioning of the jawbones, he aims to improve facial symmetry and create a more chiseled jawline. Dr Ngo's experience and attention to detail enable him to achieve optimal aesthetic results. Additionally, if needed, he may recommend complementary procedures like genioplasty (chin surgery) to further refine the overall facial appearance.

Recovery and Results

After jaw surgery, a period of recovery is necessary to ensure proper healing. Patients can expect temporary swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort, which gradually subside over time. Dr Quan Ngo provides comprehensive post-operative care instructions, including pain management strategies, dietary guidelines, and oral hygiene practices. It is important to note that individual results may vary, and it typically takes several months for the final outcome of a more chiseled jawline to become fully apparent. While it may not be discussed much by patients and some surgeons, all surgical procedures carry risks. For jaw surgery these may include (but are not restricted to) bleeding, infection, non-healing bone, numbness, teeth injury, and asymmetry.

Choosing Dr Quan Ngo as Your Surgeon

Selecting a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon specialised in jaw surgery is essential for achieving desired results. Dr Quan Ngo, an Australian trained Specialist Plastic Surgeon, brings extensive expertise and a commitment to patient care. With his deep understanding of facial aesthetics and surgical precision, Dr Ngo tailors each treatment plan to meet the individual needs of his patients. By choosing Dr Ngo, patients can have confidence in the quality of care and the pursuit of exceptional outcomes.

Jaw surgery, performed by Dr Quan Ngo, an Australian trained Specialist Plastic Surgeon, offers the potential for improved facial symmetry and a more chiseled jawline. Through a comprehensive evaluation, meticulous surgical techniques, and personalised care, Dr Ngo aims to achieve optimal functional and aesthetic results for his patients. If you are considering jaw surgery to enhance facial features and attain a more defined jawline, scheduling a consultation with Dr Ngo is a significant step towards realising your goals.