Lymph Node Transfer Surgery is an advanced procedure designed to address lymphoedema, a condition characterised by the accumulation of fluid and swelling due to compromised lymphatic function. 

What is Lymph Node Transfer Surgery

Lymph Node Transfer Surgery is a revolutionary surgical option for the management of early lymphoedema. It involves the intricate process of transplanting healthy lymph nodes from an unaffected region of the body, typically the groin or neck, to the affected area experiencing lymphoedema. 

This specialised microsurgical technique of Lymph Node Transfer aims to to achieve the following:

Improvement in Lymphatic Drainage

By transplanting healthy lymph nodes, the surgery aims to restore or enhance the lymphatic drainage in the affected region. This can help reduce the accumulation of fluid and alleviate swelling.

Reduction of Swelling and Discomfort

One of the main goals of LNT surgery is to reduce the persistent swelling associated with lymphoedema. By improving the lymphatic flow, the surgery aims to alleviate discomfort and improve the overall quality of life for individuals with lymphoedema.

Enhanced Mobility

Lymphoedema can limit mobility and range of motion in affected limbs. LNT surgery seeks to enhance mobility by addressing the underlying lymphatic dysfunction and promoting better fluid balance.

Prevention or Management of Infections

Lymphoedema increases the risk of recurrent infections. LNT surgery aims to decrease this risk by improving the lymphatic system's ability to transport immune cells and fluid, thereby enhancing the body's defense mechanisms against infections.

Overall, the ultimate goal of Lymph Node Transfer surgery is for the donor lymph nodes to be incorporated into the affected site, improving natural lymph drainage. This in turn provides long-term relief and improvement in the symptoms associated with lymphoedema, ultimately enhancing the patient's overall quality of life.

Conditions Treated by Lymph Node Transfer Surgery

Lymphoedema that necessitates Lymph Node Transfer (LNT) surgery can result from various underlying causes, each contributing to the impairment of the lymphatic system. Lymphoedema often develops gradually, and its severity may depend on a combination of factors, including the extent of lymphatic system damage, the presence of risk factors, and the individual's overall health. LNT surgery is considered an innovative option that may be suitable for patients who have early-stage lymphoedema where conservative measures such as compression garments, manual lymphatic drainage, or manual lymphatic drainage are insufficient in managing the condition, and the impact on the patient's quality of life is significant.

Common causes of lymphoedema include:

Cancer Treatment

Lymph Node Dissection: Surgical removal of lymph nodes, often performed as part of cancer treatment, can disrupt the normal flow of lymphatic fluid, leading to lymphoedema.

Radiation Therapy: Radiation can damage lymphatic vessels and impair their ability to transport fluid, resulting in the development of lymphoedema.

Congenital Conditions

Primary Lymphoedema: Some individuals are born with abnormalities in the development of the lymphatic system, leading to primary lymphoedema. This condition may manifest later in life and can be a predisposing factor for lymphoedema requiring surgical intervention.

Trauma or Injury

Accidental Trauma: Physical trauma, such as severe injuries or accidents, can damage the lymphatic vessels and nodes, disrupting normal lymphatic drainage and causing lymphoedema.


Recurrent Infections: Chronic or recurrent infections affecting the lymphatic system can lead to scarring and damage, hindering the proper functioning of lymph nodes and vessels.

Inflammatory Disorders

Inflammatory Diseases: Certain inflammatory conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus erythematosus, can contribute to lymphoedema by causing inflammation and damage to lymphatic vessels.


Excessive Weight: Obesity can contribute to the development of lymphoedema by putting increased pressure on the lymphatic system, hindering the normal flow of lymphatic fluid.


Parasitic Infection: In some regions, parasitic infections like filariasis can damage the lymphatic system, leading to chronic lymphoedema. This is more prevalent in tropical and subtropical areas.

Risk Factors of Lymphoedema Requiring Lymph Node Transfer Surgery

Age and Genetics

  • Advancing age and genetic predispositions may increase the likelihood of developing lymphoedema.
  • Female Gender: Women who undergo breast cancer treatment, particularly mastectomy and lymph node dissection, are at an increased risk of developing lymphoedema.

Benefits of Lymph Node Transfer Surgery

The surgery offers multifaceted benefits, including:

  • Improvement in lymphatic drainage.
  • Reduction of persistent swelling and discomfort.
  • Enhanced mobility and quality of life.
  • Prevention or management of recurrent infections associated with lymphoedema.

Preparing for Lymph Node Transfer Surgery

Prior to the lymph node transfer surgery, Dr Quan Ngo conducts a comprehensive assessment that may involve:

  • A thorough discussion of the patient’s medical history, including any previous surgeries, medications, and allergies. Dr Ngo is genuinely interested in helping patients affected by lymphoedema symptoms to improve their quality of life and will therefore also ask questions related to daily activities etc. Dr Ngo will also examine the affected limb and perform diagnostic tests to help plan the patient’s care
  • Imaging studies such as MRI or lymphoscintigraphy to meticulously map the lymphatic system. Lymphoscintigraphy is a nuclear medicine imaging technique that uses a radioactive tracer to visualise the lymphatic system. It can help identify the location of the lymphatic blockage and determine the best course of treatment. 
  • Dr Ngo will explain the LNT procedure in detail, including the risks and benefits of the surgery. The patient will be informed about the expected recovery timeline, including the duration of hospitalisation and mobility limitations. Dr Ngo will also discuss the patient’s eligibility for surgery, including the criteria, precautions, contraindications, and specific patient parameters that will be evaluated.
  • It is important for patients to ask questions during the consultation to ensure that they have a clear understanding of the procedure and what to expect. Patients should also inform Dr Ngo of any concerns or questions they may have about the surgery.

The Surgical Procedure

The surgical process comprises several meticulous steps:

Donor Site Selection

The choice of a suitable donor site is a critical aspect of LNT surgery. Commonly selected areas include the groin or neck, where a healthy lymphatic system can provide viable lymph nodes for transplantation.

Harvesting of Lymph Nodes

Dr Quan Ngo employs advanced microsurgical techniques for the precise harvesting of healthy lymph nodes from the selected donor site. This process involves meticulous dissection to minimise tissue damage and ensure the preservation of vascular and lymphatic connections within the harvested nodes. The use of high-powered microscopes and specialised instruments is crucial in maintaining the integrity of the delicate lymphatic structures.

Microsurgical Transplantation

The harvested lymph nodes are then transplanted to the affected area experiencing lymphoedema. Microsurgical precision is paramount during this phase, as Dr Ngo must connect blood vessels (arteries and veins) with great precision. The goal is to establish intricate connections that restore blood supply to the transplanted lymph nodes.

Monitoring and Adjustment

Continuous monitoring is conducted by Dr Quan Ngo throughout the surgery to ensure the viability of the transplanted lymph nodes. Dr Ngo carefully observes blood flow, making any necessary adjustments to optimise the success of the transplantation. Real-time assessments of tissue perfusion are essential to detect and address any potential issues promptly.

Postoperative Care

Following lymph node transfer surgery, patients are closely monitored in the hospital for a variable duration, typically a few days. Postoperative care includes continuous doppler monitoring, the prescription of compression garments to aid in healing, minimise postoperative swelling, and support the newly transplanted lymph nodes. The wound healing process is meticulously managed to ensure optimal outcomes.

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

A personalised physical therapy plan is often an integral part of postoperative care. Dr Quan Ngo works with an experienced multidisciplinary team, including physical therapists who work with patients to enhance postoperative mobility and support the rehabilitation process. Personalised therapeutic exercises are tailored to promote optimal lymphatic function and ensure a smooth recovery.

Follow-up Appointments

Regular follow-up appointments are scheduled with the surgical team to monitor progress, assess the success of the transplantation, and address any concerns or complications that may arise during the recovery period. Long-term follow-up is crucial to evaluate the sustained effectiveness of LNT surgery.

Risks and Complications of Lymph Node Transfer Surgery

While complications are rare, potential risks include:

  • Infection, which is closely monitored and treated promptly.
  • Minimal bleeding or bruising.
  • Rare instances of damage to adjacent structures, discussed thoroughly during pre-surgery consultations.. Expected Outcomes:

Patients often experience:

  • Substantial reduction in swelling and improvement in overall lymphatic function.
  • Individual outcomes may vary based on the complexity of the case and patient-specific factors.

Specialised Nature of Lymph Node Transfer Surgery

The specialised nature of LNT surgery arises from several key factors:

Microsurgical Precision

LNT surgery demands a high level of microsurgical skill due to the small size of lymph nodes. The delicate nature of the connections required for successful transplantation necessitates the use of specialised instruments and techniques.

Individualised Approach

Each LNT surgery is uniquely tailored to the individual patient. Factors such as the location and severity of lymphoedema, the most suitable donor site, and the specific anatomical characteristics of the patient guide the surgical plan. The precision and customization required make LNT surgery distinct from more standardised procedures.

Comparative Size of Lymphatic Vessels

The size of lymphatic vessels and nodes involved in LNT surgery is very small, requiring specialised imaging techniques to identify. Dr Quan Ngo is an Australian trained Specialist Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon who has completed further international Fellowship subspecialty training in microsurgical reconstructive surgery, crucial in navigating these intricacies and honing his unique skill set.

Collaborative Care

LNT surgery often involves collaboration between specialist plastic surgeons and other specialists in lymphoedema management. This multidisciplinary approach ensures comprehensive care, addressing both the surgical and postoperative aspects of treatment. The collaborative effort enhances the overall quality of care and contributes to the success of LNT surgery.

Continuous Advancements

The field of LNT surgery is continually evolving with ongoing research and technological advancements. Dr Quan Ngo is one of the surgical co-founders of the Australian Lymphoedema Education, Research, and Treatment centre (ALERT) at Macquarie University Hospital in Sydney. Together with his colleagues from the  multidisciplinary team at ALERT, they have won many major research grants and produced several internationally recognised publications, furthering the understanding of lymphoedema.


Lymph Node Transfer Surgery is a sophisticated and effective treatment option for managing lymphoedema. Dr Quan Ngo and the dedicated Sydney team prioritise patient comfort and well-being, offering personalised care throughout every stage of lymphoedema surgery. For further information or to schedule a consultation at one of his multiple Sydney rooms, patients are welcome to contact the rooms of Dr Quan Ngo here or by calling 1300 752 789.